qbFUSE provides a native COM (Component Object Model) automation interface to QuickBooks using Clarion. It is the first and only 3rd party product in the world to support Clarion integration using the QBFC (QuickBooks Foundation Classes) SDK. Integration with the QBFC offers performance & functionality far superior to the use of IIF (Intuit Interchange Format) and is the current standard for QuickBooks integration for all current and future versions of QuickBooks.

Here are just a few of the things you can do with qbFUSE:

Import QuickBooks Accounts/Customers/Items/etc. data into a Clarion TPS file

Add Customers/Bills/Invoices/etc. to QuickBooks

Query all data fields within QuickBooks

Sending multiple requests to Add Customer, Add Invoice, and Query Invoice all in the same message set

Click here to download an example application

Price - $199.00 USD

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